When copying over our files to your server farm and extracting the zip a date change may happen and that causes a security certificate error.
The install.ps1 has a signature code in it. This signature looks for the modified date to verify this has not changed. This is done so we can verify no one changes the installer. Some extractors change the modified date. The best solution is to utilize 7zip. Or Use Expand-Archive Command more information here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.archive/expand-archive?view=powershell-6
There is an option to try via Share Point Power Shell as an Admin:
The Power Shell command to unzip.
- Use the Change Directory “CD” command to the directory of the zip file.
- Then use: Expand-Archive -Path *HW38.19.1.0.SP2016.SL.Zip -DestinationPath **C:\Reference
*This will be the Product Name Code and **this will be the destination folder.
When this is completed the unzipped files will be in C:\Refrence, and you then may run the install.ps1. command from that folder.
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