- 1031.German.xml
- For MOSS 2007, this folder may be located under the following path:
\\servername\C$\Inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\80\wpresources\Bamboo.GroupEmail - For SPS 2003, the wpresources folder may be located under the following path:
- For MOSS 2007, this folder may be located under the following path:
\\servername\c$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\wpresources\Bamboo.SiteCreationPlus
The German file 1031.German.xml has been translated to German. In the Tool Pane, you can select the 1031.German.xml to start using it in German. To make sure that this file is not overwritten upon upgrading the Web Part with future releases, you can rename it (For example: CompanyName.1031.German.xml). If you do not rename the file you modified, this file will be overwritten when upgrades for the Web Part are installed
The installation program will not remove or overwrite the translation file you've saved if it is named differently from the default resource files provided by Bamboo Solutions Corporation. However, upgrades of this Web Part may require that you modify this custom translation file to include new resource strings that are added in future product upgrades.
The product will display the missing resource string IDs after an upgrade installation is completed.
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